1.6 - ONUC in Retrospect
Wherein we cover the neglected civilian aid side of the mission, what more if anything ONUC could have done for the Congo, and what the UN learned from the Operation.
1.5 - Crisis Averted?
In December 1962, ONUC launched Operation Grand Slam, brining Katanga to its knees and finally, FINALLY bringing it back into the Congo by 1963. This was not until after experiencing tragedy on account of Antoine Gizenga's conspiratorial followers, however. This is the end of ONUC, but we will return for a retrospective in the next episode and cover the neglected civilian operations in the mission as well.
1.4 - Operation UNOKAT
After constant harassment from Katanga, ONUC finally takes extreme action to all but cripple the Katangese government and its resistance to reintegration with the Congo. Tshombe, however, remains stubborn as ever.